Why support Lion & Lamb?

In March of 1995, Monte Judah established Lion and Lamb Ministries as a non-profit, religious education ministry, first publishing a monthly newsletter and offering his recipe for anointing oil. For nearly a year, he wrote the monthly newsletter and helped establish a local Messianic congregation, but then the doors opened wide for him to speak and teach in many places when he traveled to Israel for the first time.

By the summer of 1996, many of his teachings came onto the national scene. These teachings challenged believers to re-examine their eschatology (study of end times) and the basic instructions of the faith (the Torah). God has used these instructions and teachings to reach many believers with the truth about the Sabbath and Biblical festivals. Throughout these years, Monte has helped establish many Messianic fellowships, grow other Hebrew Roots ministries, and develop many Messianic teachings from Genesis to Revelation.

As time has gone on, opportunities have arisen to publicly teach in many locations across the United States and lead tours to Israel. Lion and Lamb Ministries has established an annual, national youth camp and promoted the keeping of the Biblical holidays, hosting one of the largest Feast of Tabernacles held in the United States.

Monte’s focus has always been the weekly teaching of the Torah portion and strengthening our faith and obedience to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Because we are the remnant, and scattered throughout every nation of the world, many have no local congregation or fellowship. Our Erev Shabbat broadcast provides that connection and weekly teaching for tens of thousands of viewers around the globe.

The Messianic World Update, broadcast weekly, with special broadcasts if necessary, provides viewers with the latest news that has prophetic importance concerning the return of Yeshua the Messiah.

Through the Yavoh magazine, month after month since 1995, people have connected to this ministry, and it is provided free of charge to many thousands of people in almost every nation in the world, as far-flung as Viet Nam, Cambodia, India, China and other places too numerous to list.

Lion and Lamb Ministries has grown with the help of many people for more than a quarter of a century. We thank you for your donations to the ministry so that we may continue to provide truth around the world through our various resources and teachings. With the grace of the Father, we hope to continue preparing the Saints of God, both Jew and non-Jew, until His Son's return!